Customer Testimonials

Obed Torres
Obed Torres
I'm so happy having my car, Alex is a great working on everything I need. He's a hard worker and honest to get every information done. The dealership is awesome staff helping out. I truly recommend this to everyone! Thank you guys!
Enoch Jackson
Enoch Jackson
Very cordial very respectable work with you with whatever you got and however much you bring. Stephanie is the one you need to go to she will help you out
Joe Wilson
Joe Wilson
Art is a good dude got me my first car
Evelyn EL
Evelyn EL
Jack & art helped me out a lot
Stephanie was amazing! She made sure we drove off the lot today with a car that was in our budget. She explained every form that was signed and was very thorough and a joy to work with. Would definitely refer others to come to Vista Auto Groip
Brandon jones
Brandon jones
The process was perfect, fast and affordable
Joseph Andracki
Joseph Andracki
I'm a hard working guy in long term recovery, and I've worked hard to get my first car. Art at Vista helped me get into my first car and level up in life I couldn't be more grateful for art and the team at Vista 🙏
Neicey Brown
Neicey Brown
This place works with you and puts the customer first. Very helpful on what your needs and wants are. They work with you. Stephanie was very helpful as well. Love the environment in this establishment. Very understanding and down to earth people. Highly recommend.
Maritza Velez
Maritza Velez
Very nice place. The guy Alex who helped me was great. Got a new car.
Charles newman
Charles newman
I just purchased a car with Vista with only 250.00 everything was done as promised.

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    Vista Auto Group